Sunday, December 22, 2019

Make new holiday memories and follow your heart into 2020!

Tis the season!  I know I've been missing for a few weeks, but life is busy these days.  I'm working on another "Oyster Point Mystery" where Jack and Jamie attempt to solve one more cold case. In addition, Jamie and Jack find themselves confronted with their ghosts from the past - Lizz and Mike.  Will either of them find that the old love still burns...?

I'm also working on another time-travel.  "The Looking Glass Labyrinth" was so well received, to my surprise, that I'm writing this other tale concerning a locket.  I love writing these - many twists and turns.  But when you write a 1845 story, there's a lot of research that has to be done.  I haven't decided on the title yet either.

I'm also going to investigate turning my Christmas story, Broken Christmas Promise, into a screenplay.  I purchased the tool that everyone uses and after the holidays, will take the tutorial and see how that works.  I was told that your screenplay has to be in a certain format... we'll see how I do :-)

Speaking of holidays, please enjoy them with family and/or friends.  It truly is a wonderful time of year.  I find a bit of sadness creeping in sometimes as I remember the Christmases past and the people who are no longer with us.  The memories are wonderful and I'm trying to make new ones that everyone will carry forth like I did.

May the New Year find you ensconced in writing a new novel, memoir, or screenplay!  Let's just make sure it happens.

Till 2020!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

"Broken Christmas Promise" released; "She's Not You" free on Cyber Monday!!

Just wanted you to know that "Broken Christmas Promise" has been released!

"Star-crossed lovers, Jenna Kastle and Brett Wolfhead, meet by chance during the Christmas season.  He broke her heart and then disappeared.  Now he sits in front of her.
She froze at the all too familiar sound of his voice.  His dark eyes fasten on hers. Her heart hammers.  How does she handle this – ignore him and let him think that he had never hurt her or confront him and demand an answer?
She chooses to confront him never imagining what his answer would be.”
Pick up your copy!  

Also on Cyber Monday, "She's Not You" - the first in the Oyster Point Mystery Series is on a Free Book Promotion - Monday, December 2, 2019, 12:00 AM PST Monday, December 2, 2019, 11:59 PM PST DON'T MISS YOU one this one.  Pick up a copy for yourself or a gift for someone else!!…/…/1625267789

I'll be back with some other news soon!
Till, Judi

@SolsticePublishing #Mystery #Romance #CapeCod #Wellfleet #Mysterywriters #writerscommunity 

Sunday, November 10, 2019

One Point of View or more...?

Point of view or POV has always been the most confusing part of telling a story by a new writer.  Learning to stay in one POV is hard... you don't want to think about things like that, you just want to tell the story.  BUT, there are rules governing how to use the three accepted POVs:  first person, second person, and third person.  I'll let you do the research on these three but will say that I had written The Looking Glass Labyrinth in first person initially.  This means that statements are written using "I, me and myself."  It's easier to understand if I give an example... ""I understand."  I change the subject.  "Her name was Rachael?" The intense watchful eye in the portrait are fastened on me as I chat with her great-great-great-granddaughter." Here I'm telling the story in first person.  When I submitted parts of it to my writers' group, our leader, a published writer, suggested that I try rewriting it in third person.  I kind of rebelled inside since I had finished it, but thought I'd rewrite part of it in third person and prove her wrong.

Well, as I rewrote it, I found that it became... stronger?  Maybe even a much fuller story. And my publisher loved it.  And so it never hurts to experiment with the POVs to see which best tells your story.  In my first published novel, She's Not You, I used third person but actually wrote it from a number of POVs.  When I submitted chapters in my Creative Writing class, the professor said it was not the normal way to write a novel BUT, then she said I had done it so well that it didn't bother her.  I actually couldn't imagine telling this story any other way.  And as it turns out, most of my books are now written that way. 

My latest Christmas story to be released on December 2nd, Broken Christmas Promise, elicited the same comments from the editor assigned to me by my publisher.  She was about to tell me to rewrite it as a single POV when I stood my ground and said "This is pretty much my signature now... my voice."  She admitted that it didn't bother her but was still unorthodox. 

Most new writers attempt the multiple POVs but don't keep them separate.  You can't be in one person's head in one sentence and then another's the next sentence.  POVs have to be separated by chapters or divided by a break to show that this new section is a different POV,  Most writers show a break by three asterisks (***).

I find it interesting to write the same event from a number of points of view... when it makes sense.

So choose your POV carefully.  It will make or break your story.

Keeps writing and learning how to be a better and better teller of stories!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!



Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Find my novels in the Westernmost bookstore in the USA!

Years ago I wrote a short story about a couple returning to Hawaii after many years.  Their first visit had been during the Vietnam War when Hawaii served as a place for R&R (Rest and Relaxation) for the US soldiers and their families.  She remembers the special time that she spent with him.

"I lean my head against the small porthole-like window, watching the aquamarine water and the chain of emerald islands flow by below. The airplane banks and when it straightens, there stands the proud and distinctive sign post of Waikiki Beach, Diamond Head, with its rich green cloak and open crater. The plane rumbles along the coastline of Oahu past the long stretch of Waikiki Beach. It looks the same, the marinas, hotels; even the pink Royal Hawaiian Hotel is still there. And then, at the end of Waikiki, tall and straight, stand the towers of the Ilikai Hotel. It’s as I remember it from April, 1968."

I'm now on the island of Kauai, returning after many years.  My character and I  are feeling the same emotions.  The memories, smells and views bring it all back.  This time I'm older, married and a published author.  But "it's as I remember it."

Before I arrived, I looked up the only bookstore on the island and emailed them that I would be here.  I dropped off a copy of each of my books and was asked to return for a book signing on a Friday night which is a big time in Hanapepe.  Not sure I'll be back, but who knows.

More after I return to the mainland.  I've managed a bit of editing on my next Oyster Point Mystery!!!

Keep writing,

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Where Lost Things Go....

I watched "Mary Poppins Returns" last night and the song that touched me was "The Place Where Lost Things Go"... it had me in tears.  I think Emily Blunt wrote it and it is simple and touching.  I thought I would share ...  for all of us who have lost or miss placed things or people. 

Till, Judi

The Place Where Lost Things Go
Do you ever lie
Awake at night?
Just between the dark
And the morning light
Searching for the things
You used to know
Looking for the place
Where the lost things go
Do you ever dream
Or reminisce?
Wondering where to find
What you truly miss
Well maybe all those things
That you love so
Are waiting in the place
Where the lost things go
Memories you've shed
Gone for good you feared
They're all around you still
Though they've disappeared
Nothing's really left
Or lost without a trace
Nothing's gone forever
Only out of place
So maybe now the dish
And my best spoon
Are playing hide and seek
Just behind the moon
Waiting there until
It's time to show
Spring is like that now
Far beneath the snow
Hiding in the place
Where the lost things go
Time to close your eyes
So sleep

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Journey... Life and Writing

Don't you wonder sometimes... where am I going?  What brought me to this point?  Who was responsible for where I am today and even who am I today?  So many variables, so many choices... so many people.  It's really like chapters of a book, but in life the characters bleed through to other chapters in your story.

It seems that this time of year always brings up good and bad memories for me of people that I've lost.  First and foremost, my Dad, because this is around the anniversary of his death.  I lost him many years ago, but his influence and love are still all around me.  What a good man he was.   And then there was a "sister" - well actually a real one and two "sisters by choice" as we called each other.  I lost them all to cancer.  My real sister started me on this writing journey by encouraging me to write a children's book (Fiona the Lighthouse Firefly) that she had always talked about.  Writing it became my grieving process.  After it was published, I established a scholarship fund in her name where all the proceeds from those two Fiona books go.  My other "sisters" had been in my life forever.  I laughed and cried with them, shared things that I had never shared with anyone else, accompanied them on the final journey they were taking  And my Mother, bless her.  She who caused me anger, heartbreak, and joy.  After our tumultuous times, we ended as friends, loving and respecting each other.  And then there were the men, of course, who as the Willie Nelson's song says, "came in and out my door."  Listen if you've never heard that song -  Each and every one contributed to who I am - my strength, my resiliency, my ability to cope with loss and to open my heart and love.  Not all of the encounters ended well.  Some of the younger ones ended in disappointment; some were lost to accidental deaths; some were just lost over the years, but each and every one had an impact that "bled" through into the rest of my life.

Why am I telling you all this?  Because when I write, they all come to mind... their quirks, their looks, their ability to love and share, good traits and bad.  As a writer, you pull from your life experiences and the people who participated in them.  As the leader of my writer's group used to say, "you've been hurt, so what, everyone has been.  So you need to pick at that scab and tell us how it felt."  And I can tell you from experience, it's not easy but that's what readers connect with.  I even go back to the loss of my animals and the heartbreak their loss brought.  My first dog, Blackie, appears in many of my stories.  I can still feel the pain of my first encounter with death from him, then my Dad and Mom and all the others who are gone.

So many of you might recognize bits and pieces of yourself in my characters.  Or maybe I've done such a good writing job, that you can't tell if it's you or not.  :-)

Dig deep and enjoy the writing process.  I sure am.  "Dark Secrets has received really good reviews and I'm currently working on two new novels right now!


Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Pick up a copy and travel to Paris!

Well, you can now pick up a copy of "Dark Secrets" and follow Brielle to Paris.  What she discovers will shock you.  

In my last blog entry, I promised to talk about the editing process with a publisher and so I will...  

I agonize over my characters - are they believable and interesting; the plot - is it enticing, thrilling and surprising; and the setting - is it fascinating and appealing?  At this point, I consider myself  a decent writer; we can always become better writers and editors help us to reach the next plateau.  Most of the time, my characters, plot and settings are good, but the editors find the inconsistencies that we as the writer, skip right over.    

This time, the edits were mostly missing somethings - words or punctuation marks.  How did I miss these things I thought.  I knew before I submitted the manuscript that I had read and reread the story many many times and yet, these edits eluded me. 

So, I started through the manuscript again fixing what had been spotted,  While attempting to read every word, I found  missing quote and periods.

Because my manuscript had French places and terms in it, these words had to be italicized.  So I had questions about which words and places had to be in italics.  

As I continued through the edits, I felt that gremlins were at work, inserting, taking things out, changing words... weird.  But in the end, after reading and rereading the manuscript till I thought my eyes would fall out, it was ready to go.  Whatever errors are now in the book, the "gremlins" did it!!

I'm on to the next Oyster Point Mystery - old loves return.  Will Lizz or Mike break up Jamie and Jack?  Time will tell.

Keep writing,

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Cover appears - Dark Secrets !

I'm really very pleased with the cover for my newest novel, Dark Secrets - it's dark and intriguing like the novel.

The editor has begun working on my novel but I've not received anything back so far.  One comment she has made which I'll pass along to you is that when you use a foreign language, the words must be italicized.  She's doing that as she moves through the manuscript.  She's also checking my French... which I admit could be a bit rusty.

As I wait, I'm working on another "Oyster Point Mystery" with Jack, the Chief of Police, and Jamie, a cyber expert and budding detective, returning to find themselves enmeshed  in a number of cold cases once again.  To complicate their lives, Lizz, Jack's sexy ex-girlfriend, and Matt, Jamie's handsome motorcycle riding ex-boyfriend reappear in their lives.  How will this affect Jack and Jamie's relationship?  Is it strong enough to withstand the feelings of young loves gone bad?  Even I don't know at this point.  Lizz is hotly pursuing Jack and Mike... not sure what he's going to do.  But Jack is beginning to feel a bit of jealousy.  Jamie, confronted by the perfectly made up and adorned Lizz, sexy in everything she wears and does, is feeling threatened.  Will these feelings of jealousy and doubt cloud the love they feel for one another?

In the meantime, Jamie's dreams begin again because of this new cold case she's interested in -- a young girl found buried in a shallow grave.  As hard as it is for her to experience these dreams, they always contain nuggets or facts that  help them find the murderer in the future.

Well, enough of a preview into the next Oyster Point Mystery!  I love working with these two characters because their backgrounds tend to provide very fertile ground for many twists and turns.

Au revoir... keep writing,

Sunday, June 9, 2019

ACCEPTED - Dark Secrets!!!

Well, "Dark Secrets" has been accepted by the publisher!!  I'm so excited. 

The photo on the left is from my apartment in Montmartre. I had to take you back to Paris with this novel.  I loved it there.

"Dark Secrets" will introduce you to the city of Paris through my eyes.  Jacques will steal your heart away and Brielle, well, she'll transform right before your eyes from a woman who's emotions are frozen because of a childhood event to a woman who falls in love with a city she thought she would hate, and yes... Jacques.  Now there's a problem.  Is it Paris or is it him? And can she discover what happened to her mother?  She and Jacques take that dangerous journey together.  What they discover you just won't believe!

So, I'm working with the publisher on the cover.  I think you're going to love it and an editor has been assigned... nothing yet.  My prediction is that the book will be released by mid-July!!! 

I'll let you know... this journey has been so unexpected and so awesome.  Book #3 coming soon.

As I go through the editing, I'll discuss what we find.

Keep writing and don't lose faith... you can never tell when a miracle might happen.


Monday, May 20, 2019

Biting my nails waiting...

Well, submitted my latest manuscript to the publisher and now I wait.  

I read, edited, reread it and was not happy with the ending.  I tinkered with it, but it felt like I was droning on and not adding to the story.  I had already cut out an entire chapter that wasn't moving the story ahead and I added one sentence later that conveyed what I had said in that chapter.  So I went to bed and during the night, my mind solved the ending.  Early the next morning, I rewrote it.  It was much much better.  Off the manuscript went to the publisher.

As usual, I worked hard to make the characters 3-dimensional.  I've talked about this before -- characters need a rich background to make them who they are when readers meet them.  If they aren't interesting, why would the reader care about them?  In this case, Brielle had watched her mother walk away when she was four.  This feeling of abandonment coated everything in her life.  All her choices were safe ones, ones made so she wouldn't be hurt again.  

This quote from the book gives you a peek into what Brielle is feeling...

"Every single thing in her life was in shambles except for her job. Who had she become, letting her selfish hate taint everything.  She had lied to Philip about her mother, had tolerated his condescension because he wasn't a threat to her, to breaking her heart like her mother had.  She had never grown close to anyone because if they walked away or died, it wouldn't hurt like when her mother had abandoned her.  And now her mother was dead, her grandparents and Philip, all gone.  Would she end her life like Jeanne Dubois, a recluse?" 

Well, you'll have to wait till the book is released to find out what happens to her.  :-)

Keep writing and reading.  Work hard on making your characters real, gritty, soft, tender... whatever they have to be to make your readers love them or hate them.  There is no middle of the road.

I'll be back when I hear from the publisher... I hope.  In the meantime, I'm working on the sequel to "She's Not You," a new Oyster Point Mystery!

Till, Judi


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

New interview...

A new blog interview with Mark Iles!  His site is called "The Scribe: UK Veterans Writing Group.  Thanks Mark... nice job as usual.

I've been diverted to other stuff lately, but am returning to my editing.  Want to submit my current manuscript in a week or so.

I'll be back.  Keep writing,

Saturday, March 30, 2019

The final editing push...

Well, here I am, editing away.  I actually enjoy this part of authoring... I like to smooth out my writing, change words around, and remove words that fog up the thought.  It's a challenge for sure, but in the end, it you pass a pretty clean manuscript into the editor, it's satisfying.

I’ve had a busy few weeks with other things going on – my sister is visiting and that’s always fun, had an art show to put together – all fun but time consuming.  So April is my target for finishing up the editing on this manuscript.

I’ve made a first pass through cutting out maybe 3,000 words and am on the second round now.  It’s not unusual for me to go through my writing maybe four or five times.  I’m a type-A person and it shows when I’m writing, but pays off when the editing cycle by the publisher is shorter.

The one thing that I look for are repeated words.  We all have those very special words that show up ALL the time – my favorites are “just” and “only.”  I also have a habit of placing words in awkward places.  You find these by reading your work out loud.  You can also (another favorite word of mine) find places where the action can tell the story better than you describing the scene.  I know, many things to remember and even more to look for as you edit.

One of the breaks I took yesterday was to visit the Downton Abbey Exhibit.  Now if you love that series and love that era, go and visit it if it comes to a city near you.  As I walked through each room/set, I could envision an entire new story in my head… my writing juices were going as I took photos and notes.  It was like being in that time and place… hearing the pots and pans in the kitchen, smelling cinnamon from cookies baking… nothing like it.  With a bit more research, an entire new story might emerge. J

Between all my activities and editing tasks, I’ve also done some work on the sequel to “She’s Not You,” the Oyster Point Mystery series.  It’s coming along and I’m finding Jamie and Jack becoming involved in an entirely new set of situations that I never envisioned in the first mystery.  You will encounter Lizz and Mike – will those old loves be too much for Jack and Jamie’s relationship?  And of course we have two new cold cases that Jamie is already knee deep in.

Well, back to my editing.  I hope that you are writing something… a journal, a short story, the great American novel.

Oh, and I also received a copy of my cable channel interview I did in December.  As soon as I receive a link from the station, I’ll post it!


Saturday, February 23, 2019

My very dear Irish friend...

Well, my friend, the truth be told, isn't really Irish but married an Irishman (half English) and moved to Ireland.  We have been friends for many many years.  We met at a conference years ago... we were both speaking.  We continued to bump into each other at conferences all over the world.  Her husband, also "one of us" in the Process Improvement field,  appeared as well.  They hit it off and before I knew it, she was deciding if she could possibly live in Ireland.  Obviously, she decided yes.  

Now, many years later, retired, having assimilated very nicely into her Irish way of life, she writes to me of ways and things I find both beautiful and sometimes hard to imagine.  Her life is so different... quiet and slower.  They take time to enjoy.  She writes beautifully and entertains me with her stories.  

Her latest is a story of a tree... a tree made by many in her church,a small one in her town.  Let me go back a bit... there's history of trees being part of Christmas at her church.  Everyone tries to decorate a tree differently - mostly with homemade ornaments.  They sell them to raise money for the church maintenance.  But this year my friend undertook a project that she had seen in a magazine... a tree that had been made of cardboard and then covered with quilting squares of felt and heavy materials.   It was definitely a labor of love as she described putting it all together.  Below is the result - a magnificent Christmas tree.

But when Christmas was over, where did it go?  Here's what she said, 
"Due to the hard work of one of our friends in asking around, the Day Care Centre here said they would take the tree. I had told people if nobody would take it, I would have to tear it apart and we would have to find a use for all those squares (353 at final count) and ornaments (82). I got it all ready for the DCC to take it away in the mini-bus and when I checked in a few days later, it had turned into a ‘Tree for All Seasons’ and was being put up in a corner of the sitting room, to be decorated appropriately for holidays and seasons."  And here it stands, ready for Valentine's Day!!

They had matched the colors and the pieces and added ornaments and small toys.  The people (mostly elderly in need of some help) at the Day Care Center enjoy it every day.  It is being readied for Saint Patrick's Day, of course :-)

I loved her story for a number of reasons - it's a story of people working together to create something quite unique that lives on.  Not only does it live on, but people continue to enjoy, love and decorate it.  

It's like writing a book... scene by scene, character by character, chapter by chapter until finally after fitting all the pieces together, there is stands!  Your masterpiece, made of squares upon squares, with ornaments and hearts, is ready to go forth and be enjoyed by many.

Keep writing.  I'm editing my Paris mystery... still fighting to find a good title!


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day!!

I hope you have a fantastic day... I'm planning on a little editing of the back blurb for my upcoming book, coffee... lots of coffee, and a date with my guy!!

I'll be back soon to talk writing.

Happy Valentine's Day... Judi

Sunday, January 27, 2019

J'aime Paris..

Paris © Judi Getch Brodman

J'aime Paris!  I do love Paris and adore the French country side.  I've stayed in chateaus that I never wanted to leave - one in fact, Chateau de Marcay in Chinon, had us staying in a room attached to the turret which served as our huge bathroom and then eating in the "great" room where the menu offered roasted pigeon;  in B&Bs that were extraordinaire which served fresh yogurt that I have yet to match here in the US.  I've eaten things that were délectueux and other things that tourne mon estomac - :-) But I remember each and every one of them. I find that's the beauty of traveling... we had a wonderful little apartment on rue Cortot that overlooked the streets of Monmartre and in the distance gave us a view of the city of lights. There was the Hotel Du Palais in Biarritz -- the summer home of Napoleon III and Eugénie de Montijo.  It's history oozed elegance, frivolity and worldliness as they themselves say.  It sits where the waters of Spain and France meet.  I had wished to stay there... forever!

Anyway, I carry on about Paris and France which is why I had to write the novel that I'm currently editing.  I had also read a story that intrigued me about a happening in Paris so putting both of these things together and building two wonderful characters, I allowed myself to visit Paris again from right here at my desk.  When it's released, you will be able enjoy the Parisian surroundings as well.  We'll visit the church of Joan d'Arc,  the farmlands of France and Paris parks.  I'm shooting for a May/June release... a beach read.

As for other news, my cable TV interview went very well and as soon as I receive the DVD, I'll post it.  

My two book clubs were awesome.  Both groups are awaiting the release of my next "Oyster Point Mystery" which I'm hoping will be released for Christmas.  I'm working on it now.  

I hope you are reading and writing... taking courses and upping your writing game!  No time like the present.


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Reflection and Renewal...

Every New Year's Eve, I find myself looking back.  And this one was the same.  I remember as a child, we celebrated as a family toasting in the new year, given that we could stay awake.  If we fell asleep, my Dad would carry us upstairs to bed and Mom would tuck us in as she always did.  As I grew older, throughout high school and college, my boyfriend, who played in a band and worked on Saturdays and holidays including the Eve, would call when he could after midnight and stop by on his way home for a wish and a kiss.  Then my life took a sharp turn when my father died... I remember thinking how I didn't want the year to change... for some reason, I didn't want to say "he died last year."  But the year sadly turned and my life went on.

I lived in the city with a group of friends - it was the best time!  We spent New Years in our rented ski chalet in NH.  On the Eve, we celebrated (not much drinking) and on the day, we skied.  After we all married, we would gather on the Eve toasting in another year.  How the years seem to fly by... one new year after another!  And here we are again... remembering, reflecting and looking forward.

On this Eve, I'm so very thankful for the wonderful year that I've had.  We stayed healthy, the kids continue to grow into good and thoughtful children.  Their hugs are the best.  My writing career, after all my hard work and studying, really took off... two books published, a cable TV interview and a number of book club invites!  I'm almost afraid to step into this new year... how could it get any better??? 

But I'm looking forward to traveling with my husband in 2019... not sure where yet, but we shall find an intriguing spot somewhere.  Day ago, I finished the draft of another novel - not a Oyster Point Mystery, but one I hope my readers will love just as much.  It has a French flavor to it.  I've started another Oyster Point Mystery and as soon as I finish up this current novel, I'll be following Jack and Jamie on another very scary adventure.  I love those two characters as I gather my readers do.  Jack is especially a hit with the ladies.

All I can wish for you all is a happy, healthy and productive 2019!  May your dreams come true and when they don't, may another door open for you... as my mother used to say.

Keep writing, 

The main thing is to be moved, to love, to hope, to tremble, to live.​​ — Auguste Rodin​