Saturday, March 31, 2018

Edit over!!!

She's Not You has finished the edit process and has moved to proofreading.  Not sure how long this takes but... I'm waiting.  In the meantime, I received a pre-release review....

A pre-release review...

"She's Not You is a taut, engaging mystery that plays out against the vividly observed beauty of Cape Cod.  A perfect beach read. "  Heidi Jon Schmidt, author of The House on Oyster Creek

Save your place on the beach for this one!

Friday, March 23, 2018

FINAL edit complete....

PHEW - the final edit is complete!  Now on to PROOFREADING?  Then the cover, the "about the author...", acknowledgements, reviews.... AND then we will be published.  

Seems like forever doesn't it?  But it will be out and you can take it to the beach to read;

I'll be back when I hear more...


Saturday, March 17, 2018

Edit Number Two Done....

"She's Not You" book cover
Even with only very few changes sent back to me by the editor, I'm worked hard on this edit as did the editor.  I received the 2nd edit on Wednesday and then went through the entire book word by word looking for anything that I could spot in addition to the what the editor had seen.  And YES, I found a few things that had slipped through -- name of the town, a characteristic of a weird guy that I had cut out... on and on.  We are now looking for the needles in the haystack, but they are important to catch before the book is released.  I spent two entire days doing this.  Thought my eyeballs would fall out of their sockets!

So sent it back to the editor Friday with my comments and edits.... Round three coming up!

I already have at least one book singing and reading set up in Wellfleet on Cape Cod, the town that's the major setting for She's Not You, although the town is called Oyster Point in the book.  Savannah Georgia and Jackson Wyoming -- two of my very favorite places -- are also backgrounds for scenes in the book. 

I'll be working on setting up more promotions as the release time comes closer.  Still very exciting...

I'll be back with the third edit soon,
'TIL... Judi

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Edit Number One Done....

Soon to be released debut novel
The first edit arrived on Friday.  I held my breath. First, her email laid out all the color coding that she had used in my manuscript for changes, strikeouts, additions, recommendations, etc.  It seemed a cut and paste for all authors she works with.  Then, at the end, she said, "The book was excellent--well paced, nicely drawn characters, and it kept me guessing. Great job!"  I let out my breath.

Expecting to see lots of dripping red ink, I opened up the file and started to flip through the pages.  I spotted a few word changes which were good changes, and then pages without anything.  She caught a few funny things - like "where did the broom come from?"  I had to laugh.  Where did that broom come from?  That pickup allowed me to tie a couple of things back to the character's quirks which worked great.  I had a few other small changes or rewordings and it was over.  Not that it didn't take me all day Saturday and part of Sunday to go over each page.  At the end she wrote, "Loved it."  So I returned it to her and will await Round Two.

One thing I did disagree with her about was the addition of an exclamation point within a quote... for example, "Help me!" she screamed.  I was taught never to write that way, that the verb should be strong enough to carry the quote, explain the feeling.. "Help me," she screamed.  Anyway, I'll see what she thinks about that disagreement.  

All in all, I'm still enjoying this journey... the road less taken. 😉

Will keep you updated as I move toward publication!

Till...  or is it 'til?

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Well, I'm moving along trying to position myself for the release of my book.  My editor still has it and says she likes it very much.  We will see if I drown in the red ink 😀

So in the hopes that "She's Not You" will be released in a month? six weeks? I've set up a new website... simple clear and hopefully easy to use.  Please visit it at: or use the link listed on the right side, "Judi's web site."

Let me know what you think!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Working with the editor....

Judi's book cover by Solstice Publishing
My blog is almost four years old; I started in June 2014 under "A writer's dream..."  Some time in 2016, I was locked out of that blog... don't ask please, and I continued with this one.  When I first wrote, I was writing, editing and rewriting the very same manuscript that was just picked up by a publisher.  So it took me 3 1/2 years to produce a saleable story - even after I thought it was done!  And you followed me through my steps... writers groups, courses, more of the writers group and more workshops.  Each and every one of these steps brought this manuscript closer and closer to being a story that a publisher would be interested in.  And the work I did last winter with Heidi pushed me over the finish line.  YEA!!

This week I received an email from the publisher saying, "You are about to embark on a journey that few people go on. From final draft to completed book."  It struck me then how lucky I was.  And as my family said, "Part of it was luck, but most of it was your hard work and your terrific writing."  

This email also introduced me to my editor.  We've emailed and she seems to be pretty reasonable... I'll make the final judgement when I see her edits this week.  She and the publisher have said that the changes are mine to make so the story will maintain my voice.  And as a writer, that's pretty important.  We each have our voice, our way of saying things... as do our characters.  

I'm hoping this editing process goes quickly - I'm so excited and want the book out there.  I have been talking to another local writer who has published four books.  His main guidance is that I be true to myself, that I remember that it's my book and my story.

I'll continue to keep you up-to-date as I move along.

My muse is calling... :-) 

Till, Judi
