Sunday, June 9, 2019

ACCEPTED - Dark Secrets!!!

Well, "Dark Secrets" has been accepted by the publisher!!  I'm so excited. 

The photo on the left is from my apartment in Montmartre. I had to take you back to Paris with this novel.  I loved it there.

"Dark Secrets" will introduce you to the city of Paris through my eyes.  Jacques will steal your heart away and Brielle, well, she'll transform right before your eyes from a woman who's emotions are frozen because of a childhood event to a woman who falls in love with a city she thought she would hate, and yes... Jacques.  Now there's a problem.  Is it Paris or is it him? And can she discover what happened to her mother?  She and Jacques take that dangerous journey together.  What they discover you just won't believe!

So, I'm working with the publisher on the cover.  I think you're going to love it and an editor has been assigned... nothing yet.  My prediction is that the book will be released by mid-July!!! 

I'll let you know... this journey has been so unexpected and so awesome.  Book #3 coming soon.

As I go through the editing, I'll discuss what we find.

Keep writing and don't lose faith... you can never tell when a miracle might happen.


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