Sunday, October 21, 2018

"The Looking Glass Labyrinth" is OUT!!

I'm so pleased to let you know that after weeks of editing and proofreading, "The Looking Glass Labyrinth" is now available on Amazon:  

It's a historical novel that takes you back to 1804.  Rachael doesn't heed warnings from her best friend and attends an estate sale at a “haunted” crumbling Victorian where a painted woman's sparkling blue eyes follow her every move.  Moving to the bedroom, she picks up a cracked discolored hand mirror that reflects another woman's face.  Words mysterious appear in a diary.  All these events create a vortex through which Rachael Corbet is sucked back to 1804 and into Lady Rachael Johnston’s body. 

I loved writing this book... it takes you to another time and place where sea captains and their women live and love.

Invitations have arrived from Book Clubs inviting me to attend their meetings.  They will be reading "She's Not You."  I'm looking forward to meeting more readers, discussing the story and my writing process and answering their questions!  

I'm still working on my Paris/Boston manuscript.  It sat for a few weeks while I worked with the publisher to release "The Looking Glass Labyrinth."  Now it's time to resume writing my draft.  I still haven't found a title that fits the story but there's still time.   I have about 90% of the draft complete and then the real work begins for me.  I'll go through it over and over refining and rewriting.  Not a chore but a labor of love!

More when all calms down,  Order your books early for the Holidays!!

Monday, October 1, 2018

It's weeks away...

3-D version copyrighted 2018
I've been busy working with the editor on "The Looking Glass Labyrinth" and we are currently on our second edit.  I'm thrilled that there hasn't been a lot of rewriting - a few nits here and there.  I'm still looking forward to an October release.

Looking back on the journey with my debut novel, "She's Not You," the real hard work wasn't writing the manuscript or editing it, but marketing it.   How do you put it out there so readers can find it?  Yes, the publisher distributes it to all the outlets, but how do reader's find you as an author?  How does your book stand out among the hundreds and hundreds of new ones available?  Sounds daunting , doesn't it... and it is. Even with great reviews, it is next to impossible to be recognized.

But, saying all that, word of mouth is important. Take for example the article that was published on me and my debut novel in a local newspaper - it helped immensely spawning two speaking engagements and two book club appearances.  I know, that seems like tiny steps but that's how you begin to become known as an author.

This weekend, I met with a group of published authors and those wanting to be published for a 'meet and greet' where we discussed how hard it was to set your book apart from all others.  We all know that we will probably not make the Best Seller list or make a fortune on our books... but saying all that, one of us might have that gem that could possibly make it.

Work hard... write a fantastic book, put it out there and give it wings!

Off to continue my second edit... remember, it's coming soon!!  Let's boost it to the Best Seller list... LOL!
